Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Does one of the most influencial thought leaders need a fan page?

I think so.

Sure Malcolm Gladwell has his own website and a wikipedia page. Even his initial blog, which sadly, but perhaps understandably hasn't been kept up to date since 2010.

Now, I've been a fan of his work since listening to him speak for the first time at a patient safety conference in San Francisco in 2005 with fellow New Yorker writer Atul Gawande. Prior to that discussion, I had no idea who either man was. After that conference, I read all of their books and continue to follow their commentary closely.

Both have had a profound influence on my thinking.

With Gladwell, I've been reviewing many of his interviews, commentary, and articles, particularly those which relate to health care and many which do not.

From my blog -

And also some great pieces including from Forbes and my colleague Robert Pearl, MD.

And some very interesting and insightful talks / interviews including:
Malcolm Gladwell on Criticism, Tolerance, and Changing Your Mind via BrainPickings

and the lecture he alludes to at UPenn (my alma mater) is here
Other great videos / lectures include:

 2014 Seagram Lecture
Talks at Google - SapientNitro iEx2012 Keynote Speech Tokens, Pariahs, and Pioneers - New Yorker Festival (and in Q&A how awesome, Canada is, eh!) With fellow Canadian - on George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight - Extended Interview

What is your favorite Gladwell video or piece?

Happy Belated Canada Day from one Canadian to another!