Always wanted to meet Malcolm Gladwell in person. Check off the bucket list today!
First heard him and Atul Gawande
speak at a patient safety conference in 2005 in San Francisco and blown
away ever since. I even made a fan page (you are on it)!
Get a quick smile when ask him to sign as Wexford Harding!
That MADE my day (if not the year). Great to hear him again live! I could listen to his stories for 2 to 3 hours or more (thank goodness for YouTube!).
His next book has to be on health care, right, Malcolm? (note Canadian technique to get verbal agreement).
Three hour round trip for 2 minute encounter, momentary exchange, and live talk.
So worth it!
Great to connect with Dr. Elisabeth Rosenthal, NY Times reporter and creator of Paying Till It Hurts
and the conversation at Facebook.
Much more to do!